2015 – Sleepless Night At The Twilite Motel, Parts 1 & 2 – an orchedelient composition (orchestral-psychedelic-ambient)

I am currently in the mixing and mastering stage of my composition, “Sleepless Night At The Twilite Motel, Parts 1 & 2.”

This composition was inspired by a night we have all probably lived – alone at a cheap motel and missing the one we love.  Part 1 is mayhem and anxiety.  Part 2 we start to settle into our covers, and work our anxiety down to sleep.  I brought in a sparse upper register piano and a cello finale, and before I knew it I had improvised almost 21 minutes worth of orchedelient goodness.


The compositions were improvised, so this is pure imagination and mood. Then, of course, things are tweaked, expanded and developed to my tastes.  I cannot pretend to be an orchestral composer, but I enjoy orchestral instruments, and use them freely, as I would modern electronic instruments.

In my opinion, the nature of ambient electronica is typically 1) a pulse, rather than a beat 2) indefinite melodies 3) emphasis on sound and effects, mood, movement, emotion…soundscapes, drama, relaxation.
Thus, the mash-up of orchestral-psychedelic-ambient.
My goal is to share a piece of music most suitable for driving, contemplation, relaxation, yoga, sex, and getting high.

Now that the tracks are composed, I hope to one day attend to the mixing process.  I am not a studio rat, and not very interested in mixing.  But it has to be done, and perhaps one day I will find the resources.
In the meantime, I am happy to share my “non-mixed” efforts with my friends – at least I might convince some people that I might just be a musician of sorts, and not making it all up over the years.
Just ask, and I’ll send you a link.