2015 – The Belladonna Ballet and Suite – an orchedelient composition (orchestral-psychedelic-ambient)

I am currently in the mixing and mastering stage of my 14-track suite, “The Belladonna Ballet & Suite.”
A ballet without a dance.

This composition began as I was studying what I liked about The Nutcracker Ballet & Suite and before I knew it I had improvised almost 68 minutes worth of orchedelient goodness.

It is the short story of a man who finds himself trudging through a snowstorm for three days when he stumbles upon some fat, juicy blueberries.  The berries turn out to be the fruit of the dangerous psychotrope, Belladonna – also called Deadly Nightshade.  Our wanderer goes on a psychedelic trip, encounters wildlife, has flashbacks, is found by a hunter, rescued by helicopter, and eventually winds up, overdosing in the Emergency Room.
(and, of course, there is a surprise ending)
(and like any good fable, the story has a hidden Romantic truth behind it)

I hope to include a small illustrated booklet at completion, which may help with the mood and flow of the pieces.

1. On Foot
2. Day Three
3. Belladonna
4. Dancing Squirrels
5. Swingsets And Merry-Go-Rounds
6. The Frozen Cove
7. Talking Mittens
8. Whiteout
9. The Blessed Sound Of The Hunter’s Orange Vest
10. Caribou
11. Destiny
12. Rescued
13. Tell Mrs. White I’m Coming Home
14. Halo


All compositions were improvised, so this is pure imagination and mood. Then, of course, things are tweaked, expanded and developed to my tastes.  I cannot pretend to be an orchestral composer, but I enjoy orchestral instruments, and use them freely, as I would modern electronic instruments.
In my opinion, the nature of ambient electronica is typically 1) a pulse, rather than a beat 2) indefinite melodies 3) emphasis on sound and effects, mood, movement, emotion…soundscapes, drama, relaxation.
Thus, the mash-up of orchestral-psychedelic-ambient.
My goal is to share a piece of music most suitable for driving, contemplation, relaxation, yoga, sex, and getting high.

Now that the tracks are composed, I hope to one day attend to the mixing process.  I am not a studio rat, and not very interested in mixing.  But it has to be done, and perhaps one day I will find the resources.
In the meantime, I am happy to share my “non-mixed” efforts with my friends – at least I might convince some people that I might just be a musician of sorts, and not making it all up over the years.
Just ask, and I’ll send you a link.

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