
Chores Before The Rain
Route 66 near Lake Hiwassee, Oklahoma
Winter 2008




She’s Never Coming Back
Lake Hiwassee, Oklahoma
Winter 2008




The El Nino Supper Club
Honobia, Oklahoma
Autumn 2009




I thought this trip would be different.

After your email, I figured it was all over and he would be gone. I told you where I was staying, and half expected you to drop by after the reunion. A single woman in the hotel bar, stabbing an olive and twirling her hair like you do. The image would be Classic Jennifer. I figured you might even wear the blue coat. But Taos was ten years ago, and why would you even still have it?

Our friends all asked me why you were missing the big get-together, and I told them it wasn’t my day to watch you. I laughed nervously and checked my phone. I watched the clock and forgot names and drifted from sofa to fireplace, kitchen to balcony, scene to scene, story to story to story.

Your name came up again and I pretended not to care, but kept a line of sight on the door, just in case. Somebody said they saw you recently and that you looked happy.
Nobody mentioned how I looked.

We all toasted to the past and then to the future.
I left my champagne on the bar.
I had a flight to catch.

Leaving. On A Jet Plane.
Somewhere over Oklahoma
Autumn 2009




Talking To Myself
Lake Hiwassee, Oklahoma
Winter 2008




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