2015 – Oh! How He Loved Her – an orchedelient composition (orchestral-psychedelic-ambient)

I am currently in the mixing and mastering stage of my composition, “Oh! How He Loved Her.”

This composition began with a dark hellish underscore of explosions and fire and dark rusty warehouses and chains, to which I added laughter and screams and other oddities.  The cello enters and provides a nice balance of beauty to the nightmare.  Scarlett Johansson appears as Black Widow beckoning Hulk (“Hey big guy”) and before I knew it I had improvised almost 9 minutes worth of orchedelient goodness.


The compositions were improvised, so this is pure imagination and mood. Then, of course, things are tweaked, expanded and developed to my tastes.  I cannot pretend to be an orchestral composer, but I enjoy orchestral instruments, and use them freely, as I would modern electronic instruments.

In my opinion, the nature of ambient electronica is typically 1) a pulse, rather than a beat 2) indefinite melodies 3) emphasis on sound and effects, mood, movement, emotion…soundscapes, drama, relaxation.
Thus, the mash-up of orchestral-psychedelic-ambient.
My goal is to share a piece of music most suitable for driving, contemplation, relaxation, yoga, sex, and getting high.

Now that the tracks are composed, I hope to one day attend to the mixing process.  I am not a studio rat, and not very interested in mixing.  But it has to be done, and perhaps one day I will find the resources.
In the meantime, I am happy to share my “non-mixed” efforts with my friends – at least I might convince some people that I might just be a musician of sorts, and not making it all up over the years.
Just ask, and I’ll send you a link.